How to Recognize the Symptoms and Causes of Stress

It's no secret that stress is rampant in our society. There's never a shortage of things to worry about, from meeting work deadlines to family obligations. And unfortunately, chronic stress and anxiety can take a severe toll on our physical and emotional health. According to health professionals, stress can even be a "silent killer" because it can increase the risk of stroke, heart disease, and a host of other serious health problems.

But what is stress exactly? And how can we recognize the symptoms and causes? Let's explore the topic of stress and anxiety a little more in-depth.

How to Recognize the Symptoms and Causes of Stress

What Triggers Symptoms of Stress and Anxiety?

Symptoms of stress and anxiety can vary from person to person. However, some general triggers can lead to feelings of stress and anxiety. These include:

  • Financial problems

  • Relationship issues

  • Work pressure

  • Health concerns

  • Moving or changes in residence

  • Difficulty coping with change

Mental and emotional stress can be a significant contributor to mental disorders. In America, 1 in 5 adults and teens have a mental illness. Among the most prevalent mental illnesses are depression and anxiety disorders. Other conditions, including bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, affect millions of individuals.

Sadly, mental disorders can sometimes lead to suicide, the 10th most common cause of death in the United States. Nearly one million people die from suicide globally every year. Other addictions, such as alcoholism, drug use, pornography, and other compulsions, are linked with poor mental health. This distressing statistic is a wake-up call for everyone to make mental health a much higher priority.

Recognizing the Symptoms of Stress

If you're feeling anxious or stressed out, stress and anxiety could impact you in many different ways. Among some of the feelings and emotions you might experience include:

  • Feeling overwhelmed or out of control

  • Having trouble sleeping or focusing

  • Experiencing frequent headaches, muscle tension, or stomach problems

  • Feeling constantly exhausted or rundown

  • Having mood swings or feeling irritable all the time

  • Self medicating or using alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs to cope

If you suffer any of these symptoms, it's essential to take steps to address your anxiety and stress attacks head-on. But, first, you'll need to determine whether stress or anxiety is to blame.

What Is a Depression Anxiety Stress Test?

If you're unsure whether you're experiencing stress or anxiety, various tests can help determine this. One standard test is the depression anxiety stress test. This stress test asks a series of questions about your feelings and symptoms to gauge how stressed you are.

One type of depression anxiety stress tests is a ZYTO scan. ZYTO scans provided by Alternative Health are comprehensive, confidential, and non-invasive. This scan can help identify the root cause of your stress, anxiety, and other mental health issues. Using this information, Alternative Health provides support and treatment options and approaches you can take to improve your mental well-being as quickly as possible.

Book Your ZYTO Scan Today!

How to Relieve Stress and Anxiety Naturally

In the wake of the opioid crisis, it's not surprising that more people are searching for holistic treatment options that don't involve using prescription drugs. Fortunately, there are many natural anxiety and stress relief options available today. Among these stress and anxiety management treatments include:

Exercising regularly - Exercise releases endorphins, which have mood-boosting effects. Exercise can also help to improve sleep quality and relieve tension headaches that result from stress triggers. Even a brisk short walk can considerably impact your sense of well-being.

Meditation or mindfulness - Meditation is an effective way to focus on the present moment and clear your mind of distractions. Mindfulness involves being fully aware of what's going on around you in the present moment. Both of these practices can dramatically improve mental well-being and reduce stress levels.

Eating a balanced diet - Eating nutritious foods helps your body function at its best. When you're eating unhealthy foods, it's harder for your body to cope with stress. Taking vitamin and mineral supplements, including M' Lis Tranquility Blend and Vitamin D, can help improve mood and reduce stress and anxiety.

Getting enough sleep - A lack of sleep is a common cause of stress. When you're feeling run down, it's difficult to manage stressful situations effectively. So aim for the target of eight hours of quality sleep every night.

Practicing relaxation techniques - There are many relaxation techniques from which to choose. The most popular is meditation, which involves sitting quietly and focusing on breathing. Other options include yoga, deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation (PMR), or massage therapy.

Sharing your feelings - Talking out your problems can help you feel more supported and less alone. It also helps to get a different perspective on the things bothering you. If you don't have a support network available, you can find one online.

Reducing caffeine intake - Caffeine elevates cortisol levels, making you more irritable and susceptible to stress and anxiety attacks. Therefore, reduce your intake of caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea, energy drinks, and soda.

Changing the situation if you can - If the source of your stress is something you can change, try to do so. That might mean setting boundaries with toxic people, delegating tasks at work, or saying no more often.

Accept that you can't control everything - One of the leading causes of stress is the helplessness that comes from trying to control things out of your hands. You may find it helpful to change this way of thinking by practicing acceptance. Instead of being nervous about things beyond your control, try focusing on what you can do to make the best of the situation.

Alternative Health Is Available to Help With Depression, Anxiety, and Stress

Finding ways to manage your stress and anxiety is essential for improving your mental well-being. But, if you're having trouble finding an approach that works, Alternative Health can help.

Contact us today to schedule a ZYTO scan and get a comprehensive evaluation of your health. Then, we concentrate on healing the whole body and helping you find relief from stress, anxiety, and depression.

Book An Appointment Today!


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